Thursday, November 24, 2011

Catching up

Month of Thanks:

Day 20: I am thankful for Jesus and his sacrifice which has set me free.

Day 21: I am thankful for new ideas and plans for DH and I.

Day 22: I am thankful for new clothes. I know I am spoiled living in the US and being able to have so much.

Day 23: I am thankful for Christmas music. It just brightens my spirit.

Day 24: I am thankful for wonderful extended family who are also friends.  Happy Thanksgiving!

My sweet baby is also 6 months old today. He's sitting up, crawling, trying to pull himself up partially, starting to eat solids, trying to drink from a regular cup, not taking long naps yet and waking 1-3 times at night. He has no teeth, but drools like crazy and chews on everything(his feet are one of his favorite things). He is a sweet, happy baby who loves his siblings and Mom and Dad. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Christmas Cards

Yes, I realize it is still November...

And searching this early is unusual for me...

But, I'm trying to follow Simple Mom's Plan to a Peaceful Christmas...

Week 3 is Ordering and Organizing your Christmas cards...

So I'm on the hunt for the perfect card...

And then the perfect pictures...

Only to realize that we have NO recent family photos...

How sad is that? 

So now it's time to make sure that a family picture happens...

Before Christmas.

Month of Thanks:

Day 18:  I'm thankful that the wind has stopped and it's sunny skies!

Day 19:  I'm thankful for a wonderful church to be a part of

Friday, November 18, 2011


How does one stick to a routine/rhythm on the weekends(or for us my DH's weekends)?  How does one stick to a routine/rhythm in general?

I know that it would be beneficial for me and my children to get into a nice routine/rhythm for our days, but it's so hard.  I am not naturally routine oriented and so it's a struggle to get into the habit of one.  As far as meals go, I'm doing pretty good...those are generally served at the same time(though dinner can vary if I get started on it late or if the baby is extra needy that day).  Otherwise, there is no truly consistent routine/rhythm to our day. 

I'm noticing that the baby is needing one though...I really would like him to start taking longer naps so that I can have time to get some schoolwork done with the princess.  Right now I'm doing great if I can get a 45 minute stretch from him. 

I should also be getting to bed earlier...I just have such a hard time giving up the peace and quiet that happens at night.  It's not quite the same for me in the morning, not to mention I'm more of a night owl than an early bird.  I can get up earlier, before the kids, but then I have to tiptoe around, praying that I don't wake them(their bedroom is on the same floor as the kitchen and living room).  

I also know that I need to spend less time online and more time with my kids. It's so easy for me to lose track of time when I'm on the internet.  It's definitely something I need to curb.

Currently I'm reading Amy Lynn Andrews book Tell Your Time.  I'm hoping that this will help me get into a daily routine so that I'm heading towards my goals.

What does your routine look like?  Any tips for helping me get into a routine/rhythm?  Do you start with one thing at a time or do you jump into a schedule?

(I have a really hard time remembering how to spell rhythm.)

Month of Thanks:

Day 15: I'm thankful for our home...that it's a warm shelter from the high winds and cold temps and that it's ours.

Day 16: I'm thankful for my families health.

Day 17: I'm thankful that I won a $500 gift card!  I can't believe it!

Monday, November 14, 2011


"We must be willing to confront and experience the discomfort that accompanies internal change.  Only then will we be able to live freely." Amy Lynn Andrews in Tell Your Time.

This is where I am I willing to do what it takes to go through change?  I know where I want to be, but do I want it enough to make it happen?  If I am, what needs to happen and change in my life so that my dreams become realities?

How about you?  Are you ready to step out and making the necessary changes to move you to your goals?

Month of Thanks:
Day 11: I'm thankful for my Dad and Grandpa and all the other veteran's...for protecting our freedom!

Day 12: I'm thankful for farm fresh eggs and fresh raw milk.

Day 13: I'm thankful for my Mom.  She is a wonderful Mimi to my kids and is so generous and loving.  I wish I lived closer to her!

Day 14: I'm thankful for such wonderful in-laws who love my kids and me so well!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Month of Thanks- Day 10:  I'm thankful for the gorgeous snow falling outside.  It's incredibly peaceful and beautiful.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Great recipe website

Make sure to check out Eat Nourishing.  A new recipe website for real food eaters.  I can't wait to check out more recipes!

Bonus:  They are giving away a $200 gift certificate to US Wellness Meats.

Month of Thanks:
Day 8:  I'm thankful for a relaxing weekend with my husband and kids.

Day 9:  I'm thankful for an on the move much as I'd like him to stay small forever it's fun seeing him on the move.

Monday, November 7, 2011

On the move

Lookout world, my baby is on the move.  

As exciting as it is, it also makes me sad.  He's only 5 1/2 months and he's my last baby.
I'm not ready for him to be so independent.

Though I love that he's a healthy, happy boy who is intent on keeping up with his siblings and curious about the world around him. 

A month of Thanks:
Day 7- I'm thankful for my cutey pie 2nd son.  He is so funny, sweet and cute.  I love that he comes up to me out of the blue with a hug and an "I wuv you doe mush."